Get a free online Boiler Installation quote in a few clicks
Or call us on 0116 216 9098,
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
All prices are subject to VAT • Labour Only • Boiler repairs work please ring office • Diagnostic charges applies all call out. • Minimum of 1 hour charges to all call out
08:00 - 17:00
£100 P/H
17:00 - 20:00
£150 P/H
20:00 - 08:00
£200 P/H
08:00 - 20:00
£150 P/H
20:00 - 08:00
£250 P/H
Free estimates are provided for work that would be more involved than a service or emergency call out. i.e boiler upgrade or radiator installation.
Emergency or smaller jobs like boiler repair, toilet not functioning, leaking or dripping tap, unblock kitchen sink , we don’t quote for we’ll turn up and carry out the job on hourly rates provided by office.
We carry some spares for boiler repairs. If we have to collect materials that need to be ordered and collected we charge a small fixed fee of £40.00 including VAT for our time.
Our Services
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All major credit and debit cards accepted